These days I've been feeling a lot like this:

Let me tell you why.
Can you smell it in the air? Can you feel it in your bones? APRIL 15, 2012. Tax day. Normal people dread this day. It has been one of the happiest weeks of my life--when my 65/70 hour-never-seeing-Thayne-and-being-a-bad-wife-and-never-cooking-haven't-gone-to-the-gym-in-months weeks are over! (For those real big tax nerds, I'm aware that the 2012 deadline is April 17...but I'm not planning to blog then, so stop stealing my thunder). Let me just let out a big sigh of relief and gratitude to have had such a wonderful/busy/learning-filled internship at Grant Thornton. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
It was great.

Our magical adventure through Argentina is a REALITY. Do I even have to say more? Fly fishing in Patagonia, dancing the tango on the streets of Buenos Aires (I heard everyone dances the tango all the time), eating endless piles of meat, enjoying the wonders of nature, speaking with the awesome accent of the Argentines, hopefully seeing some old companions, being with one way it could get better!
To brush up on our Espanol, Thayner and I have become obsessed with a Telenovela called El Talisman. It's the cleanest, most dramatic Mexican soap opera we could find and we LOVE it! Will Gregoria finally get the ranch from that old, rich man? Will Pedro and Camilla find true love? Will Marianetta finally realize that Antonio (Gregorio's son) has been playing her all this time just so he can get his hands on the ranch? Will any of those people ever learn how to act? Thayne and I love it. If you ask Thayner, he'll deny it. He's lying.

Thayne is now a politician...but the good kind! He was nominated as county delegate and went to the convention yesterday. I don't know much about anything he does, but I know it's important.

How could General Conference NOT make me happy? Direction from a loving Heavenly Father by way of his prophets and apostles just slaps a smile right on my face. I learned so much about the importance of the family, becoming more Christlike, and serving in the church. I have a lot to work on, but I know it will be a blessing if I try my hardest.

Last, but certainly not least (according to Thayne). Trout. Thayne's been getting a lot of high-quality time in with our cut-throated brethren. He's quite passionate about fishing and I'm happy it brings him so much joy. (for the record, this is a cutthroat I pulled off the internet...every single fish that Thayner has ever caught has been MUCH bigger and MUCH more beautiful than the fish shown above).
Also, our lovely mother (in-law), Janene celebrated her 35th birthday this week. We love Janene and are so grateful for her influence in our lives! Come to think of it, I haven't written since MY lovely mother had HER 34th (love you mom) birthday a few weeks ago. We are so lucky to have mothers who are so giving, happy, hilarious, and wonderful. We love you both!