Lovely week. Great food. Family time. Bike ride and Settlers with the Bourne family. Bowling and Mario Kart with the Davis family. We have so much to be thankful for. I'm going to go out on a limb (pun!) and say that my favorite thing was our new tradition of hiking out into the forest and cutting down our very own Christmas tree. The Davis family has been doing this since the dawn of time and I had a lot to learn before selecting our coniferous beauty.
Here's Thayner wielding his saw.

Since I'm a rookie, I thought all the trees looked really cute. Here we are going for a "Charlie Brown Christmas" feel.

Our fearless sidekick and little brother to Thayne, Jacob, helped us in the search of our perfect tree. (And looked pretty stylin' doing it) For more of this look, see John Denver's music video of "Dancing With The Mountains" here

After about an hour of saying "too shabby, too thin, too dead, too small, too tall, too eaten by forest creatures, too bald, too creepy" we found our eternal companion tree...the tree that will be with us forever this Christmas. Thayne chopped 'er down and now we have our lovely Christmas off to a wonderful start!