Tuesday, June 19, 2012
quick story. katie (little sister) and I drove through Wendy's today and we were kind of spacey with the drive-through lady. she called us "tonta" which means stupid/silly in Spanish. Little does she know, this dumb gringa understood what she said. I politely told her that we weren't dumb and said thanks (in her native tongue) and drove away happily with my dollar menu chicken wrap.
party rockin': winner
Thayner and I woke up smiling at each other this morning. I am the single luckiest girl in the world. That one moment made my day so lovely I can't even describe it.
Thayne's sister Sara leaves to Kentucky June 27th, so we sent her off in style with a family trip up to the Marriott's family cabin up near Smith and Moorehouse. As you can tell by this picture, my high school softball skills all came rushing back to me.
probably the cutest part of the trip. we had a all out, full-on, Mormon, bonafide, family home evening where Janene (and her puppets) taught us the value of paying a full tithe. She is so legit.
Thayne is such a man (as are the rest of the men in the Davis family). We braved the rope swing up at Smith and Moorehouse and we even MORE braved the sub-arctic waters thereof.
It wouldn't be a Davis getaway without some kind of competition. This time was floating handmade boats down the stream. I couldn't get a picture of my boat, the "Party Rockin': Winner", so I'll display Thayne's mildly inappropriate boat.
aaaaaand, there off!
the "Party Rockin': Winner" met with an unfortunate end by being sucked into a whirlpool as it crossed the finish line. But guess what, it crossed the finish line in first place baby!
Caroline: what I am praying my children look like one day.
What a wonderful time to be together, enjoy our last few days as a family, relax, and gain five pounds. We had such a wonderful time!
okay, so SUPER happy is this. Kathy Jones became Kathy Bentley and I loved it. There has been nothing so wonderful in my life as my marriage to Thayne (see first paragraph). Sure, there are days when I'd rather throw away our dishes than wash them or never pick up one more pair of socks(pants, knick-knacks, shoes, mystery items, etc), but the constant love and affection (and happiness, adventures, respect, licking wars, surprises, and peace) keep me wanting more. Thayne is my biggest blessing and I know Kathy and Josh will be each others' biggest blessings too!
speaking of blessings...look at that adorable tush. The boy attached to that tush is my cute husband. We played a round of golf up at Red Ledges and it couldn't of been windier (or more fun). Thank you dad for making our lives classier!
Golf and gelato go hand in hand.....so, obviously.
Monday, June 18, 2012
so today, I came home to this...
a shiny, beautiful spoon that my friend Lindsey accidentally swiped from the dinner that we had together this week. Which means I finally had to return these...
the beautiful Ray Bans that Lindsey left (I assumed for me to wear all week) that very night. Goodbye newest accessory. (Note: I never actually wore the glasses--never fear Lindsey!)
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
what I love...
1. That my gym is next door to a French Bakery and the air smells like croissants.
2. Hearing the vacuum turn on while I'm doing my homework in the other room. I love Thayne.
3. Seeing Kathy Jones marry Josh Bentley.
2. Hearing the vacuum turn on while I'm doing my homework in the other room. I love Thayne.
3. Seeing Kathy Jones marry Josh Bentley.
Saturday, June 9, 2012
laguna beach
hi! we're Thayne and Emily. and we just got back from Disneyland. it is the most magical place on earth.
we rode scary/breathtaking rollercoasters...
followed (not preceded by) a monte cristo. a monte cristo is a ham and cheese sandwich covered in dough, dipped in batter, deep-fried, doused with powdered sugar and dunked in blackberry jam.
we washed down our monte cristos with something really light and healthy...pineapple ice cream.
I experienced the most hilarious moment of my life on tower of terror with my good 'ole mom. from sitting down on the ride to getting off, she clawed my arm and screamed like a baby. as you can tell by her corner-huddled-fetus-position and scrunched-white-knuckled-i'm-going-to-die-face, she was a little uncomfortable.

okay, so I'll be normal for a second and tell you what really went down this weekend. my family and the Spafford family went to Laguna Beach, CA. the Spaffords are always so generous with their time, money, and hilariousness. it was so great just to sit on the beach with everyone and discover that Susan majored in political science and that Dave looks like Imhotep from the Mummy. we stayed in a beautiful condo by a great beach and spent our days sunning, swimming, chatting, movie-ing, and eating. oh yeah, the picture above represents the two days that Thayne spent golfing at Pelican Hill and Monarch something-or-other.
i love him
this is the view from the Spafford condo. best view ever. oh! I have to mention joey spafford, who made disneyland more magical, nights more happy, the beach more fun, and our lives much more awesome. we love you joey!
we frequented the Beachcomber cafe, a little cafe at Crystal cove surrounded by abandoned shacks where families would live in the summers in the '40s. great coconut macadamia nut pancakes.
we cheered on the Angels, but no matter how many times I stood and did the "angels in the outfield" wings to inspire the players, they lost.
all was not lost, however. we did leave massive destruction and carnage in our wake. for the record, this photo is of below my father's chair. barf.
my dad, in true fashion, bought a lanyard and got right to work. he strutted proudly around disneyland for all to see his limited edition pins swinging from their red-roped throne.
until he saw this guy (notice the extra-wide-special-made lanyard)
then he meant business! he enlisted the Spafford's help, and soon, he had a lanyard every the most emphatic professional trader could only dream of.
we were thoroughly embarrassed, but luckily he was distracted by the transit of venus and kept quiet about his lanyard for the remainder of the day.
i just think my mom is cute and fun.
don't let that confident smile and dashing swagger fool you. Thayne was nervous to enter the seething cougar and silver-fox lined pool that is javier's. ah, those cougars and silver foxes...driving their mazarati's and drinking their martinis...Thayner thought that he wouldn't fit in...
but Thayne changed into THIS immediately after our stint at javier's. beware all who enter! actually, just extending their awesomeness and hilariousness, the Spaffords let us drive around their car for the week. we felt really cool.
but all that happiness, deep-fried food, cruising on the highway, games, beach, walks, tide-pools, lanyard competitions, and golf can really tucker a guy out. here is baby sleeping on the plane. what a great week!
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