Friday, December 20, 2013

A nuestros amgios....

En estas ultimas semanas, no he podido dejar de pensar en Chile, Argentina, El Salvador y las personas q amo en estés lugares.  Nosotros, Thayne y yo, queríamos escribirles a ustedes y darles la historia de nuestro ano pasado en Español.  (Bueno, nuestro versión de Español...intentamos practicarla, pero nos falta mucho) :)
En enero de este ano, fuimos a Argentina a visitar la misión de Thayne en Cordoba.  Fue una experiencia inolvidable y fue una gran bendición para mi ver las personas y lugares de la misión de mi esposo.  El siempre habla de Dean Funes, la familia Cardenas, la familia Contreras, Arroyito y la fabrica de dulces, Unquillo, Arguello, la Cynthia, la falda, y muchos lugares y personas mas. El ama tanto a todos allá en su misión y al conocerles y hablar con ustedes fue una bendición gigante de nuestra vida.  Gracias por darnos los bienvenidos, comida, y lugares quedarnos.  Estamos  muy muy agradecidos.  

De alla, fuimos a Bariloche para ver el sur y pescar.  Me acordo de la gran mision Chile Osorno, donde serví mi misión.  Argentina es un gran país y nos disfrutamos allá   La gente es súper buena y la comida....WOW. Las empanadas y asados fueron increíbles.  Gracias a todos los Argentinos q conocí, les quiero mucho.  Nos hizo tristes q no pudiéramos visitar a todos lugares y teníamos mucho dinero, pero Thayne me hablaba de todos ustedes y me contaba muchas historias. :)

Queremos q sepan q siempre estamos hablando de las personas de nuestros barrios, mis mamitas, las personas q ensabanamos, y nuestros compañeros.  Nos cambiaron cada uno de ustedes y estamos agradecidos por lo q enseñaron y como nos sirvieron. 

Este ano, nos graduamos de la universidad (yo de BYU con mi maestro en contabilidad, y Thayne de la U en las comunicaciones).   En nuestro barrio, el trabaja con los hombres jóvenes y yo trabajo con las mujeres jóvenes - amamos los jóvenes mucho y pensamos q son súper impresionantes en todo lo q hacen.

De alla, empezamos trabajar.  Thayne y su hermanos son los jefes de y estoy súper orgullosa de su trabajo.  Yo trabajo como contador - y me gusta, pero tengo noticias muchas mas buenas!!

Estoy embarazada con una nina!! Se va a nacer cerca del 25 de Mayo.  Estamos muy felices por las noticias - ella es una gran bendición de nuestro Padre Celestial y vamos a trabajar ser buenos padres y ensebarla el evangelio.

Bueno, yo se q este blog post es muy corto, pero quiero empezar escribir mas en Español.  Las personas q conocía en Chile y Argentina son muy importantes a mi.  Durante el día, mucho de mi trabajo es pensar en ustedes.

De Camino Real: La hermana Alvarez - me enseño entender y amar la gente y servir como el Salvador.  La Victoria y la Deisy - les quiero mucho y quiero saber de ustedes...yo se q el evangelio les bendecira todo su vida.  La familia Azocar:  Aunque yo no entendía mucho cuando estábamos juntos, entendía q es una familia buenísima y fiel y fuerte. Les quiero.  La mamita y el papito - les quiero tanto!  Gracias por ser tan paciente con la gringa nueva y hacerme reír siempre.  Y los miembros del barrio - Gracias por amarme y tener paciencia conmigo. Me encanto servir en su barrio.

De Ovejeria: La Rivas, Guevara, y Aponte - mis compañeras :) Me hace sonreír pensar en ustedes.  Me enseñaron hablar, amar la gente y disfrutar la obra.  Victoria - te amo mucho y todavía pensar en ti y orar por ti.  Yo se q Dios te ama y te cuida.  Y yo se q tu bautismo fue valido y bueno. Juanito y David: les quiero un MONTON. Siguen siendo muy capos y buenos.  Son ejemplos a los demas.  La Hermana Inez:  Como le quiero!  Gracias por su fe y su servicio.  Es una ángel.  La Hermana Eva y familia:  Son maravillosos y estoy agradecida conocerles.  Son tan fieles en el evangelio y me encantaba salir a visitar con la Eva.  Carolina - Gracias por tu ejemplo de fe.  Me encanta ver tus niños y tu familia hermosa.  Te quiero!  La familia Perez - Fueron un milagro en mi vida y yo se q fue la mano de Dios q nos juntaron en el colectivo de Raul :)  Y los miembros del barrio - gracias por ser súper capas!

De Ovejero: La familia Reyes:  Gracias por ser nuestra familia, cuidarnos, y ser un ejemplo muy buena de una familia eterna y progresando.  La familia Acevedo: Gracias por ser nuestra mamita y papito - pasamos muchos tiempos muy felices en su casa con ustedes y todavía pienso en tu comida mamita (y en el ají del papito) :)El Obispo y obispa :): Gracias por ser firme y fiel.  Cuando llegue, quería trabajar TANTO y fueron listos trabajar en la obra del Senior. Les admiro mucho y espero lo mejor por ustedes.  La Melisa: Como le amo....y a su familia también.  Es un ejemplo para mi de fe en Dios y su hijo Jesucristo.  Gracias por dejar las gringas entrar con el mensaje del evangelio restaurado y mas q esto, gracias por orar, leer, y estudiar el mensaje y de allá preguntar al Padre Celestial.  Es una persona muy especial para mi y nunca le olvidare.  Oscar: You are an incredible person and I am so blessed to have met you.  Thank you for always being willing to serve.  I know you were a phenominal missionary and will continue to touch lives your entire life.  You were a huge blessing to me and my companions.  Ximena: Ah, la Ximena - siempre con una sonrisa y abrazo por nosotras.  NOs invito a tu casa y nos ayudo mucho en el trabajo del Senior.  Gracias por siempre servir y mantenerte fiel y firme :) Familia Lago: Es una familia maravillosa y estoy super-agradecida haberles conocido. Gracias por las chicas tan lindas y puras.  Yo se q Dios quiere bendecirles tanto como familia.  Besitos!! Alvaro y Laura: Siempre me acuerdo la noche q nos conocimos - estuvo lloviendo y estuvimos un poquito tristes y mojadas :)  Nos dejaron entrar y enseñar del plan q Dios tiene por ustedes.  Progresaron rápido y cambiaron mucho como familia.  Gracias por su ejemplos de fe y obediencia - les quiero mucho. Hay un MONTON de gente en Ovejeria q no menciono porque aveces me mente se va. Gracias al barrio y a los miembros (la familia Luengo y los jóvenes del barrio) q nos acompañaban y a los personas q ensenabamos y amamos.  Punta Arenas tiene un lugar muy  especial en mi corazón.

De Rahue Alto: Estuve un tiempo cortito, pero gracias a todo el barrio y los padres de los jóvenes.  Nunca he visto tantos jóvenes TAN buenos y TAN fieles en mi vida.  Yo se q muchos están en la misión y yo se q Dios les esta bendiciendo mucho por su servicio y yo se q ellos están bendiciendo las personas q se encuentran.  La Karla: Dude, writing in Spanish is hard, so I'll write in English :)  I love you so much.  You are such a strong woman and I admire you for everything you do- especially for your kids. Keep being strong and know that God is there for you- as am I. Extraño el humo y la lluvia de Rahue Alto también:)

De Radimadi: Q lugar mas bella!!  Delta: Me encanto ensenarle del evangelio y del amor q nuestro Padre Celestial tiene para usted.  Yo se q el todavia quiere escuchar de usted.  Invite a los misioneros (o las misioneras) a su casa para seguir aprender del plan del Senior por usted. Presidente: Gracias por su servicio a la rama y a nosotros.  Su amor por el Padre Celestial y sus hijos me inspira.  La mamita y la Ana: Están hechos del amor.  Gracias por ayudarme y amarme durante un tiempo duro de mi vida.  Siempre tenían sonrisas y comida SUPER bueno por nosotras y les amo mucho.  También, gracias por ayudarnos con los perros q siempre nos seguían ;) Alexis y la Sole:  Les quiero TANTO. Gracias por sus bromas y su servicio y ser nuestros amigos.  A lo demás del Radimadi: me encanto mi tiempo allá con ustedes y reflejo mas en este parte de mi misión q todo lo demás.

De Aysen: Aysen fue un regalo de Dios al final de mi misión.  Disfrutaba todos los días allá con ustedes. Doly y familia:  Gracias por ser nuestra familia y darnos un montón de pan todos los días :) Me engorde mucho en Aysen y lo disfrute mucho.  Son muy fieles y buenos y admiro su fe y fidelidad al evangelio.  La familia Mora: :)  Nos hicieron sentir feliz todo el tiempo.  Presidente, gracias por su música y servicio a todos alrededor y Erika, pienso q es perfecta :) Gracias por servir su propio misión en hay bendición mas grande q al servir su prójimo (especialmente en Chile).  Marina: Me encanto ensenarle, y yo se q Dior no guió a su casa aquel día.  Sigue escuchando a los misioneros a a las hermanas.  La familia Reyes: Son fieles y buenos y les admiro tanto.  Tienen un matrimonio tan especial porque el Espíritu Santo esta en el.  Gracias por servirnos tanto  y darnos un ejemplo de miembros excepcionales.  Hermana Donoso: Ah, mi compi.  Me mataste bien :) Siempre pienso en ti y en nuestro tiempo en Aysen.  Me enseño mucho de la expiación y el amor de Jesucristo.  Me encanto ser tu compañera y espero lo mejor por ti :) Marle y Familia:  SON GENIALES y les extraño.  Gracias por ser súper fiel al evangelio - yo se q será una familia eterna con trabajo y la obediencia - nada es tan importante.  Me encanto visitarles y estar en su casa.  Gracias por ser mis amigos.   La familia Riquelme: Fueron las ultimas personas q vi en mi misión y estoy agradecida por sus ejemplos cada uno de progreso en evangelio y amor de Cristo.  Les admiro y les amo mucho (y les felicito por sus niños q nacieron después de salir yo!)  La Denis: Gracias por hacernos el postre en el ano nuevo.  Lo comimos entero y nos hizo feliz :)

A las demás personas q no menciono.  Les pido disculpas.  Estoy embarazada y aveces no me acuerdo las cosas muy bien. Pero, les amo.  Mi tiempo como misionera en Chile me cambio y estoy tan agradecida poder decir q serví allá. Estoy orgullosa de haber servido al sur de Chile con la gente q amo tanto.  Yo se q el Evangelio de Jesucristo es la única manera volver y vivir con nuestro Padre Celestial y ser familias eternas.  Yo se q Jose Smith restauro el evangelio y la iglesia de Jesucristo.  Yo lo se con toda mi corazón.  Aveces nos hace falta un poquito de fe, pero Padre Celestial nos ama y quiere ayudarnos volver a nuestro fe y ser mas fuerte q antes.  Yo vi cada uno de ustedes caminar por el camino de Jesucristo durante mi tiempo con ustedes.  Si se han ido del camino - vuelvan!  Dios esta esperando q vuelvan.  Les amo, les extraño MUCHO.  Hay días q lloro de extrañarles y de extrañar servirles y estar con ustedes en este hermoso lugar - el sur de Chile.  Escribenme por favor por este blog o facebook o por mi email:  Me encantaría escuchar de ustedes.  Con todo mi amor - Hermana Bourne (ahora:  Hermana Emily Davis)

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Does this dress make me look fat?

Ah, the age old question.  The bane of every man's existence.  The cringe-inducing sentence that can NOT be answered correctly....ever.  The question that, although it defies all logic and sense, women the world over still ask every time they step out of a dressing room.  Thayner has learned to just say, "I love you" every time I ask it...well played husband, well played.  I really, truly want an honest answer to this question (kind of).

So I turn to you, family and friends.  Be honest.  Don't hold back.  Does this dress make me look fat?


Let me clarify a few things:
1. Yes, we are very pregnant - 12 weeks to be exact.
2.  We are absolutely thrilled about the whole situation.
3. This is not my belly at 12 weeks, thank goodness.  That is my super-awesome Halloween costume that we made to announce to the extended family- thank you to a very large bath towel shoved up my dress.
4.  I do not want you to answer if this dress makes me look fat. Obviously there is no correct answer to that question.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Worse than labor....

Caution: this post may contain images disturbing to children and adults alike.  My baby got hurt this week in California.

Can I just preface this post by saying that we aren't on vacation 100% of the time.  It's just that I can only write so many posts about working 70+ hours a week and being a terrible wife.  But Thayner really wanted me to write about this to show how manly he is.  

So the second tax season ended, we booked it to sunny California with the Davis family. You might call it the perfect vacation.  Rollerblading on the boardwalk, beach house on the beach, eating everything in sight, basking in the sun, reading and surfing for hours on end, sleeping - ah, glorious sleep. Little did we know there was a monster lurking in the depths.

After a week of paradise, Thayne was taking his last surf and looking like a professional (seriously), when suddenly, he cried out and was pulled beneath the waves.  Fortunately, he popped right up and the waves pushed his lifeless body to shore on his surfboard.  Jacob yelled to me and I ran down to Thayne (very unlike those Baywatch people) and helped Thayner hop to the beach house while copious amounts of blood spurted from his cute little foot.  Oh yes, a stingray got him.  

Thayne is so manly, while he was suffering he thought we should take pictures so this blog wouldn't have to suffer as much as he was at the time.  What a sweet husband! To think of the blog instead of himself.  I love him.

Anyway, people were making all kinds of suggestions and comments as they passed us on the boardwalk - "pee on it!", "that's a mighty good sting",  "that is going to hurt SO bad man!".  Taylor looked up what to do in case a stingray stings you on the internet and we got some really great advice - "do not panic if you are stung, or you could die".  That made me feel better.  

We got the foot into a tub of very hot water (apparently it congeals the protein-based venom...this was an education experience for me) and helped Thayne try not to panic (and therefore, die).  That's when it started.  Thayne spent the next two hours shaking and sweating from pain.  This was the real deal - I've never seen him in that much pain, ever.  Bless his heart. About an hour into the excruciating experience, Glen came by with some great fatherly research he had done.  "Son," he said, "the internet said it's going to hurt like h-e-double hockey sticks (he literally said "H...E...double hockeys sticks" Glen doesn't swear) for the next 2 to 8 hours. Can I get you anything?" That made Thayne feel really optimistic and at this point, he slipped into the grip of insanity while I tried to distract him with cereal and "Diners, Drive-ins and Dives with Guy Fieri".  It was awesome.

After 2 hours, the sharpest pains died down a little and Thaynster was able to rest a little.  The following are some pictures of the whole experience:

During the 12 hour van ride home the next, Thayner validated his pain for all to hear. Out of the silence, "Did you guys know that a stingray sting is the 5th most painful animal sting on earth?"..."It's right below scorpion on the pain scale and right above labor." YEAH. RIGHT.  Maybe one or two contractions.  I have the understanding that labor lasts more that 2 hours and I also believe it leaves you with more than a small cut on your foot.

Disclaimer: I know it sounds like Thayne didn't get hurt all that bad, but let's just say I'd rather have a baby than get stung by that devil ray any day.  It looked like it hurt.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

I am a bad husband....

You know those movies where the husband is a slave to his job and always running late and missing big events in his child's life (you know, showing up at the baseball field and it's empty) and running to the drugstore at 11:15 PM to pick up flowers, with the futile hope that he can save his anniversary from being a complete disaster? Yet, when he arrives home, his disgruntled wife is already asleep, a table for two set in the dining room with the candles burned down and flickering.  He breathes out.  Epic fail... yet again.  I am that husband.

I sympathize with every scenario in which the hard-working husband just wants to come home and die into his bed without contributing to the home or family in any way...because I feel that way most nights. Every stereotypical husband/wife argument that has ever ended in "You don't pay enough attention to me!  All you care about is work!" and "I'm doing this for YOU!", I feel you.  

Guess where Thayner was the night of our anniversary last week? Watching a beautiful sunset and a lightning storm come into the Salt Lake Valley all. by. himself.  Guess where I was?  In my cubicle preparing tax returns, receiving texts from Thayne's siblings such as: #sololife, #singleforever,

Luckily, I have the greatest husband on earth and although I'm being a stereotypical bad movie husband right now, maybe it'll teach me to have a little more sympathy for Thayne next time he's at the drugstore at 11:15PM.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

A Happy Husband is a Deaf Husband...

I'm going to say it. I think contractors or any type of construction people who are working really hard like that should get paid double.  The Thaynster and I have been laying tile, grouting, caulking, sanding, vacuuming, and working our little tails off to get this house of ours on board.  I'll admit it.  Sometime I go psycho and I can't handle one more night covered in cement.  I'm sick of coughing up dust and having white boogers.  The house is coming together beautifully (mostly thanks to our amazing family members who have been helping us out), but sometimes it's just too much...

and I get weird.  Or grumpy.  Usually grumpy and sleepy combo.  My poor, sweet, innocent husband.  All he wants to do it be a construction man and build us a lovely home in which we can live.  But I'll start to mope, or sigh really loud, or force a "deep" conversation with him just so I can feel like a human being again  all disgusting around midnight every night. It's taken a few weeks, but we've found the perfect solution:

Behold! The secret to our marriage.  I say, "Honey, I'm so TIRED and my back hurts from crouching down sanding baseboard and now I'm you think I'm fat? How 'bout we take a little break....(sigh), I with this thing was finished already! OO! I found a rug that would be PERFECT in the living do you think our marriage hands HURT, OW a sliver!" And all he hears is the teacher from Charlie Brown. "Wa waa waaa wa waa." Every once in a while he'll throw me a bone. He'll nod, smile, and say "I love you honey and I love working on our house with you."  At just like that, everything is well in the Davis universe.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

The Protector...

So the other day I swung by my mom and dad's house to bake some cookies for a baby shower here in the neighborhood (we are officially one month without a functioning kitchen over here).  No one was home, so I went to check things out in my old bedroom (where I sometimes find treasures like old books or clothes).  As I walked past my old bathroom, I heard my 13-year-old sister and her best friend singing while they were getting ready.  Sophie (aforementioned 13-year-old sister) has transformed from my little baby girl into an eye-rolling, "whatever mom"-ing, texting machine.  As I walked past the bathroom, I heard the friend say, "Sophie, someone is in the house".  I closed that bedroom door behind me, locked it, and listened.  I can't resist freaking Sophie out.  I can't.

So I hear them coming up with the plan in hushed tones.  I hear a tentative knock at the door, I don't answer, but I slam a couple of drawers shut to let her know that yes, someone IS in the house.  She waveringly calls, "hello?".  Nothing.  I hear a second knock.  I slowly walk towards the door, rattle the knob, and open the door.

There is my baby sister, in fighter stance, fire in her eyes, all 70 pounds of her, wielding the toilet brush.  Funniest thing I've ever seen. It takes a second, but she recognizes me and jumps, throws the weapon in my direction, and tries to get her best friend to stop laughing at her.  We had a little chat after the "incident" about how if she thinks someone is in the house, the toilet brush probably isn't the best solution.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Good Times...

 Amazing times around here recently.  Here's a little snippet
The cutest baby ever born: Brooklyn Bourne.  We spent a few days with her and the Bourne clan in Sun Valley, ID -our favorite place on earth- catching fishies, driving the jeep, gaining five pounds each, and enjoying each others' company.  
And then it was on to Laguna Beach, CA!  Thirteen hours through the desert of Nevada we went, armed only with our double-checked McDonalds dollar-menu sausage burritos.  We somehow survived through towns with billboards advertising "Asian massage with body shampoo". May we never pass that way again.
Laguna was fabulous, as usual.  The Davis' are always up for a good time.  And what better time could you have than calling Stan the metal detector man to come find your wedding ring that had been lost forever in the sands of Laguna Beach?  Nothing! Amidst the foaming tide, seagulls soaring and pooping overhead, Stan plucked Taylor's wedding ring from the depths, restoring hope once again to all beachgoers everywhere.
Beautiful weather, food, people, tide pools, and good times with the Davis' in Laguna.
 Jackson Browne is my latest music flame.  His latest performance and Red Butte (pronounced "butt") Gardens blew us all away.  We spend a lovely evening with my parents enjoying the summer evening and Jackson's liberal-hippie-tree-hugging-endangered-animals-are-more-important-than-humans musical propaganda. (note: I LOVE Jackson Browne and his music....but I still think he's got an agenda.)
My parents are cute when they hold hands.
 Thayner is cute all the time.
Especially when he is creating the house of my dreams! Grouting was a new and muddy experience for us.  The house is coming along swimmingly.
 My good friend Teef stopped by to Utah before her and her husband's big move to California.  She is amazing. 

You know what else is amazing?  France.  Holy Schmoly.  My above and beyond generous dad took us sisters on a jaunt through Paris and London last week and man, was it a good time.

I'm going to say that Paris is the most beautiful city I've ever been to.  Everything about it is perfect.
 Katie and I hanging out with our good pals Sammy and Mona.
The French were amazing, curt and well-dressed.  I have a theory that they put all of their kindness and sweetness into their pastries and bread.  South Beach dieters beware!  And bless you poor gluten-intolerant peoples' hearts.  The pastries and bread there are made of magic.
 Then it was off to London. Just as amazing as Paris, although we did experience a huge increase in the general friendliness of people.  We had a great time listening to Big Ben, lusting after the crown jewels, and trying to make those guards with the bear hats smile.

I'm going to take a sentimental moment and just say how lovely my little sisters are. Katie, Soph, (dad..even though you aren't a sister)- you guys are the best and I had so much fun being with the three of you! Thanks for making my life so fun.
Whew, sentimental moment over.  Here's my dad REALLY enjoying some modern art:
Quick side-note: we entered the modern art museum, stayed long enough to get this picture, and booked it out of there...because we hate modern art.

Amazing, amazing, amazing.  But you know what?  When all was said and done, my favorite part was coming home to the handsome husband who worked so hard on our house the entire time and showed up at the airport with these puppies:

Almost forgot!  I start my big-girl job with Grant Thornton next week, when means I sadly had to say goodbye to my buddies at OrthoDevelopment.  Jamie and Julie (and Derek)- you are hilarious and I loved working with you!

Thursday, May 30, 2013


Was this guy your first thought?  Mine too.  You know what Thayner's first thought is?  The name of our first-born son.  Yeah RIGHT!  That thought just makes me cringe.  It's a good name if we want our son to grow up and haunt mansions built in the 1800's or grow up and date a Latina Cougar (that's right my friend, J.Lo's 20-something-year younger backup dancer flame is named Casper...barf).

I also feel that if we plan on naming a child Casper, he'll come out looking a little like our good friend Powder:

Creepsauce, right?  Also, I plain just don't like the name.  If you agree with me, please let my better half hear about it.

Anywho, what's been going on around here? I chopped off part of my thumb.  Super neat!  I was lovingly slicing sweet potatoes for my handsome husband, and I was so caught up in my love for him that I lost all concentration and shoved my thumb right into the mandolin and said goodbye to some nail and a big chunk of my most important finger.  Good thing I was alone, although my reaction, looking back, was hilarious.

I wrote a post about this next thing and deleted it for various reasons.  Long story short, Thayner went up to the attic, freaked out, and came down with this treasure chest.  We were DYING!  We were rich!  Thank you cute little old lady who lived in our home before us.  That is just pure silver.  We had big plans for that treasure box, but found an "April Fool's" note at the bottom.  The prankster will remain anonymous, but lets just say that he/she played the best prank EVER.

 Oh goodness, what a cutie.  Winnie Davis had her first birthday party at Cinderella park.  We gathered and ate delicious birthday cake and watched her tear into her gifts.  We love you Winnie!

The majority of our lives is work and work on the house.  We are so thankful for our super helpful family members who have all sorts of awesome know-how and work ethic.  They are helping us rebuild from the sheetrock up.  The house is coming along swimmingly.  We are moving into the basement this week and will live out the rest of the construction days underground, after which we will emerge into the daylight and have a bonafide home!!!

Our luxurious master (and almost only) bathroom).

The most handsome boy on earth leveling the floor so I can lay the hardiboard.

Ahhhhhhhh!!! It almost is going to look like a real kitchen!!!

Welp, have a lovely day everyone. You are awesome.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

We did it!

The Thayner and I are graduated from college.  
What a great journey.
What a relief that it's all over.
I'm so proud.
Thayne looked amazing in his robes.
I looked like a floating dementor.

I would like to give a shout out to my amazing friends (slash study-buddies slash therapists).  Brooke and Amy, I love you and you are WAY cool accountants.

Goodbye testing center adventures, goodbye commuting, goodbye tuition, goodbye awesome college memories. HELLO full-time work, house, babies, and life!