There she blows!!!
Our first ever REAL legit straight-from-the-forest-that-we-chopped-down-with-our-bare-hands Christmas tree. Sure, it might be a little Charlie Brown-esque, but it's ours. Glen has this awesome little analogy about looking for a Christmas tree and how it's like looking for a spouse.
So you go out into the forest (world) looking for the perfect Christmas tree (spouse). You spend hours and hours (years, in some cases)tromping through the woods (stake dances, BYU, singles wards, blind dates) and see many awesome trees (awesome people), but you can't find the ONE (the ONE). Until, suddenly, you realize that you are exhausted and freezing and want to just go home (sick of dating) and you go back to the one you really liked (the boy you went to senior Christmas dance with) but passed up because there was a gap here or there (minor flaws). You cut down that tree and take it home (marriage), not even considering any other tree along the way (wandering eyes/doubt) and it resides in your house all season (eternal marriage).
The whole flaw thing is lame. Someone wise once told me "Never ever complain about your husband's flaws because it's those very flaws that kept him from getting a better wife!" So true.
I love it. I got me the best tree (husband) in the world.
Merry Christmas!
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