PEOPLE! Happiest. Christmas to February. Ever. Let's just take a ride down memory lane (in reverse order).
My beautiful little sister Katie was married this weekend in a beautiful sealing with family and friends. Then we danced, ate, and socialized the night away at the Salt Lake Country Club (copiers!). They are one of those couples that was made for each other and we are SO happy for them!

The next night, we celebrated the 80th birthday of my Grandpa Hal. (Again, at the SL Country Club...spoiled!) Everyone in the family enjoyed a sumptuous meal as we all shared our favorite memories of Grandpa Hal. Some we hilarious, some sad, some touching. It was a beautiful evening.
At the wedding reception were huge glass vases full of lemons. As we were the last ones at the receptions, we took home a garbage bag-full. Hello! You could never have too many lemons! My main squeeze Thayner thought it would be a good idea to go to Smiths at 11p.m. to buy a $2 plastic juicer. 20 minutes later, he shows up with this high-tech Black and Decker juicing extravaganza machine! We made lemonade into the wee hours of the morning. You know what they say...when your little sister's wedding reception gives you lemons...make lemonade!

It was the most beautiful spring day I've ever seen in February for the wedding.

I think we turned out pretty snazzy!

Bridesmaid pedis slash morning feast!

Witnessed as World Peace, Kobe, and Fisher (you suck Fisher!) got owned by our very own Jazz.

Sara was disappointed because her mission call didn't come...
Psych!!!! The mean mail man had hidden away her amazing call to Louisville, Kentucky Spanish Speaking and brought it back to her ten minutes later. We are so proud of you Hermana Davis!

Thayney-pooh got real sick.

We learned that this guy...
is way more awesome than this creepy guy....

I finished my first bonafide tax return (and it only took 8.5 hours!)

Thayner left me a flower and a love note...

because he had missed me while I was in Chicago....
I don't know if he missed me THAT much....
he sure missed this....
and I missed him here...
and here...

and I always miss him here...

especially when he goes to Vegas to be a business tycoon with his bro...

Christmas was lovely in our favorite place on earth: sun valley, id.
I learned that Thayne is WAY better at giving gifts than I am...

that I really like Zumba...
dad found a new love for frying turkeys (and any other thing he can get his hands on)...

we loved snowshoeing...
being together...


and making sweet gingerbread houses. This one is Glen's (it is the tree of life story if you couldn't already tell from the incredible detail)
This one was okay....I don't feel like it really captured the "UP" house feeling. (insert biggest eye-roll EVER for the overachieving Knudsons)

I feel like ours was a super-legit, down-home, country gingerbread house...
our wedding luncheon was held at the joseph smith memorial building and to say thanks, they gave us a free meal at the roof. Thayne took me on a romantic night out and we just had a lovely time being together...


probably my favorite picture of Christmas...

don't you just love him....
anywho, I just feel a whole load of gratitude for our families, friends, jobs, school, ward, neighbors, weather, pets, and just about anything else you could think of. life is a beautiful thing.
Best. Blog entry. Ever. Seriously! I want another one tomorrow!! You guys are amazing and obviously meant for each other. Me and Sophie -while excavating our DVD cupboard- found a copy of an old video of Fiddler on the Roof at Oly Jr. We have spent the last hour watching Thayne be Tevia and Katie dancing next to her sister's future husband.( a quick 9 years later...) (yabba, dubba, dubba dubba dubba dum...) Aint life crazy! We love and adore you guys. Judi and Sophie