Wednesday, November 14, 2012

why it pays to have people think you are dumb

Well, friends, let me let you in on a little secret.  Most people who see my resume and don't know me think I'm a smarty pants...Master's degree, second language, love to read the classics, involved in all sorts of jazz...blah blah blah. They are called the first level of people. The second level of people make me laugh the hardest because they think I am 100% an idiot. I think it's the whole friendly, smiley vibe that I try to put off.  The second levelers know me from class or work or from down the street.  The few who know me down to the soul (the third level of people=Thayne, my parents, etc.) know that I'm really dumb with just a few, certain adding numbers or remembering peoples' names. I'd like to  focus this post on the second type of people.


Dear people who think I am dumb:  Thank you.  That Advanced Corporate Tax 2 class project that the six of us were assigned to was weighing on my mind.  The six steps of that merger of a corporate entity turned S-Corp with the partnership followed by a negotiated, tax-fee exchange and a Section 355 split up to divide the assets properly among the shareholders was a DOOZY!  So thank you for writing a special email to me saying that I am special and you have collectively decided to assign me the portion of the paper and presentation that covers the step that our professor claimed was so easy a "drunk dog could do it".  Cool!  Definitely leaves me more time to glaze over an not accomplish anything.  

So, blog people, make sure those around you think you are dumb because nobody will expect anything of you = less work for you.


  1. HAHAHA nice em.
    I think you are smart and
    I tell lots of people that I have a smart sister.
    A freakin accountant.
    It makes me seem super dumb
    but also makes me cool
    for having a smart sister :)
    HAHAHA yay

  2. Sorry to smash your bubble but no one on the planet (except the girl behind you admiring your gorgeous blonde weave) thinks you are dumb. You can't pull it off!! You were bossing me around when you were 14 months old and obsessed with math problems at 5 and reading the Hobbit at 6.... Nope, sorry babe. Even the blonde hair can't convince anyone. Smart through and through so get over it. Smart enough to marry Thayne Davis!! I would love to take credit but we all know the grey matter comes from dad. duh!!
