Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Two things....

Ah, it's good to be back writing.  I missed you little blog.  Thayne's favorite question whenever I talk about writing is "you have a blog?!"  Then he chuckles....he's so funny.

Anywho, I wanted to write about two hilarious things that I didn't know were going to happen when I had a child.  Let's be honest, there are about a million things that I didn't know were going to happen when I had child, but these two are in my top ten.

One, I remember one night when Nets was, like, one month old.  This has actually happened many, many times in our short eight months together, but the first time killed me.  Around three AM, Nets woke up crying.  I had just fed her an hour before, so it was Thayne's turn.  He did his best, bless his heart, but she would not go back down.  She cried and cried and cried.  I went in, offering my help.  He looked at me with those puppy eyes he gets sometimes and asked, "What am I supposed to do?"

Bahaha.  Who knows!  I didn't.  I love that he thought I had it all figured out.  Like something inside me just KNEW way better than he did what she needed.  Word to the wise (or other first-time mothers), it's a a huge guessing game with a gigantic learning curve.  I can't believe they let us take our tiny children home from the hospital in the first place.  I remember my first real day after giving birth the nurse came in and asked how many diapers Nettie had in the night.  My first thought, was "oh, crap, am I supposed to do that and THEN keep track of it?" Poor little nugget's bum was plastered with poop that took ten minutes to scrub off.  I knew NOTHING.  Luckily, Thayne thought my womanly nature endowed me with some sort of mystical power to know exactly what every cry and noise meant and he has deferred to my "wisdom" in all situations. For sure I've learned a thing or two in my 24/7 role as mother since then - when in doubt (in this order): feed, change, snuggle, binkie, temperature.  Rinse, repeat.  I am learning every day, but still, every time a new situation arises with Nets, Thayne looks at me with the puppy eyes and says "What are we supposed to do?" I love it. 

Two, I am Tom Hanks from Castaway and Nettie is Wilson.  

See the resemblance?

I do.

I have conversations all day about every subject with a nugget who can't answer me. Do I do it to keep from going insane?  Do I do it because I am insane?  Who knows... But we have a good time.

*For those of you who have never seen Castaway starring Tom Hanks...shame on you.  Quick recap.  A worldly, but nice FedEx manager is marooned on an island after surviving a plane crash.  With only his FedEx packages, Tom Hanks determination, and a bloodstained volleyball dubbed "Wilson"- he survives for four years without going completely insane.  Despite being an inanimate object, Wilson becomes Hanks' best friend and second best character in that movie and may have made me cry on a few occasions.  Hence, Nettie is my Wilson.

And now I present to you a big ole' list of pictures of the nugget. She. is. the. greatest.

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