Monday, September 24, 2012


Dear guy behind me in the testing center,

Thank you for snorting what seemed like an interminable amount of mucus every 7.3 seconds.  It really helped me get my mind off that pesky Estate and Trust Tax test I was taking.  Boy was I relieved every 7.3 seconds to get my mind off that!  Out of the hundreds of seats in the whole testing center, the symphony of snot was played in MY ears during a four hour, workout problem test of death.  Thank you for the music.  I hope that when I got out of my seat and walked to a seat as far away from you as I could manage, you didn't think it was because of anything YOU did.  That look of death thrown your way was just your imagination, so don't feel bad.  I'm sure you didn't anyway.

Love, Emily "the most rage I've ever felt in a single moment" Davis


  1. I laughed so hard I totally cleared my sinuses....

  2. HAHAHAHA! oh my gosh Em I love this! I can just picture you now!
