I have special problems. Lots.
Just kidding. I DO have a tax class called "Special Problems" and it makes Thayner and me laugh every time I say it. The class is so perfectly named because it really does cause special problems in my life. Actually, all of my tax classes do...thank you, you beautiful 21 hours of mind-numbing, Internal-Code-scrounging, near-coma-inducing day after day legal jargon and impossible tests...you are my special problems. My special problems also include: the fact that this post has taken me five, yes, five days to write, the fact that I haven't posted the true awesomeness that was our Valentine's Day, the tupperware of lasagna that has been in our fridge for, oh, I don't know, four weeks now that I'm scared has come alive, and the absurd amount of comas in this sentence.
*After posting these thoughts, another of my special problems has been brought to my attention: my lack of proficiency in the English language. If you notice, there aren't an absurd amount of comas in the last sentence, but an absurd amount of commas. Thank you to the kind, handsome, and obviously verbose gentleman who brought this to my attention, I love you honey.
*After posting these thoughts, another of my special problems has been brought to my attention: my lack of proficiency in the English language. If you notice, there aren't an absurd amount of comas in the last sentence, but an absurd amount of commas. Thank you to the kind, handsome, and obviously verbose gentleman who brought this to my attention, I love you honey.
You are hilarious!