Sunday, August 5, 2012

hamster salon

Anyone here ever blow-dry a hamster?  While studying at my parent's house, I watched as Sophie ran into the room holding a tiny, wet, dying hamster in her hands.  Seems like the hamster, Angel, decided to take a dip in the dog's water bowl.  She was quite traumatized, but I promised her she would be okay.  Angel was shaking and not opening her eyes or moving around, and I thought she'd be a real angel soon if we didn't get her warmed up.
 Enter the blow-dryer.  It was a miracle that brought our little rodent friend back to it's pitiful life.  After the patient was stabilized and rested, we went on a weird adventure... 
 Soph and Maddy needed prom dresses for a back to school party with all the little girls.  I'll never understand twelve-year-olds and I don't remember what it was like to be one, but we had the most hilarious time trying on prom dresses at the DI.  Sophie has absolutely no shame if you can't already tell.  I love her :) 
 Soph's favorite part was prancing through the isles with each new find and posing...waiting for compliments.  Madds and I weren't as brave, so we just sat in the dressing room and laughed.
 To add to the weirdest weekend I've ever experienced, I saw this guy competing for an individual medal in men's gymnastics.  I immediately judged him for his creepy mustache and VW-van-driving-esque appearance, but then the beautiful Chilean flag popped up behind his name and I fell instantly in love with him. CHI-CHI-CHI-LE-LE-LE VAMOS CHILE!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha oh my gosh the wet hamster thing totally happened to me as a kid!! And yeah, Chilean or not, not sold on creepy mustache guy. Sick! Haha, your blog kills me. Let's hang out sometime, eh? Even if it's for like ten minutes because 2nd grade rules my life right now baha. Oh wait! Just remembered. We'll see you next Monday at dinner with G&G Davis :) See you then!
